Coaches Focsani, Romania ➞ Singerei, Rep. Moldova

We found only indirect routes. Select connection location to see all races:

Via Min. time Min. distance Min. price Change in the same station Travel By
Budapesta 1day -11845km 714 lei No +
Viena 1day 14h ? 798 lei No +
Padova 2days 11h ? 756 lei Yes +
Bologna 2days 14h ? 882 lei No +
Ferrara 2days 14h ? 882 lei No +
Frankfurt, 2days 14h 4451km 1050 lei No +
Stuttgart 2days 14h 16773km 1050 lei No +
Munchen, 2days 16h 2957km 570 lei No +
Augsburg, 3days 1h ? 1050 lei No +